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XVerbal assault
Piura, Peru - North
On June 22, 2014 around 4:00 pm Mrs. Ismena Pusma Ibañez was insulted in her home by a person who appeared drunk. Telling her that mining is going to come on top of everything and that if a woman objected, he knew how to silence those crazy women.
XThreats and damage
Cholula, Mexico
On June 9th at around 10am, Retired General Finlander Uclés arrived at the home of the compañeros Santos Antonio Cordova and Maria Idalia Soto indigenous Tolupanes in the community of El Terrero, Locomapa, Yoro. He circled the house telling them to stop any work activity, while destroying the belongings of the indigenous family, disappearing (stealing) building material and destroying bananas and coffee crops.

He proceeded to threaten their children who were alone in the house that he would return the next day and destroy the whole house. He was accompanied with two bodyguards and had a gun in his hand the whole time.

The family fled the house makign them homeless out of fear.
XFamily threatened by ex General
El Terrero, Honduras
'On June 9th at around 10am, Retired General Finlander Uclés arrived at the home of the compañeros Santos Antonio Cordova and Maria Idalia Soto indigenous Tolupanes in the community of El Terrero, Locomapa, Yoro. He circled the house telling them to stop any work activity, while destroying the belongings of the indigenous family, disappearing (stealing) building material and destroying bananas and coffee crops.

He proceeded to threaten their children who were alone in the house that he would return the next day and destroy the whole house. He was accompanied with two bodyguards and had a gun in his hand the whole time.

The family fled the house making them homeless out of fear.'
XTwo AMUPPA members insulted in the street
Piura, Peru - North
On June 8 at 2:00 pm; two members of ULAM were insulted in the street of Huancamaba by two unknown people; 'telling treacherous, filthy old, murderous, back or silver and will see what happens.'
Gran Sabana, Venezuela - South
On June 5th the CNTC community in Ajuterique, Comayagua was evicted by large force of police and military. 120 men, women and children of the campesino group La Brea lost the land they have lived on and cultivated for 5 years and the coffee, corn and bean crops that were growing in their fields today. The campesino community was accompanied by members of the National office of the CNTC, Via Campesina and also had the presence of international human rights observers from PROAH.
XAMMUPA member attacked
Piura, Peru - North
At 7:00am on the 5th June, a member of AMUPPA was attacked in the area of Lucupe alto by two women. They verbally insulted her and stated they she received money behind the community's back. They told her to return the money if she didn't want anything to happen to her family.
XA month of defamation and threats against AMUPPA members
Piura, Peru - North
Throughout the month of May, the Radio of Huancabamba (funded by Zjin mining consortium) continued to attack members of AMUPPA. Insults and death threats were made against members of the organisation as a result of their stance against the Rio Blanco mining project.
La Paz, Honduras
At 2pm on the 30 May 2014 over 130 Policeman arriced in Huehuetlan in 23 white vans. They got out of the vans and brandished their guns before circling the village twice and then leaving.
XIntimidation by the Security Forces
Huehuetlan, Mexico
At 2pm on the 30 May 2014 over 130 Policeman arriced in Huehuetlan in 23 white vans. They got out of the vans and brandished their guns before circling the village twice and then leaving.
La Paz, Honduras
At 11am on the 28 May 2014 more than 50 soldiers arrived to Huehuetlan, El Grande in seven pick up trucks. Their faces were covered.
XIntimidation by the Security Forces
Huehuetlan, Mexico
At 11am on the 28 May 2014 more than 50 soldiers arrived to Huehuetlan, El Grande in seven pick up trucks. Their faces were covered.
XCharged with obstruction
Monte Olivo, Guatemala
The 'Comisionado del ministerio de gobernacion' have put charges against Yolanda Oqueli and her security guards for 'Libre locomocion' (obstruction). He stated that Yolanda had ordered her 'pistoleros' to obstruct the road.
Monte Olivo, Guatemala
Forced eviction of La Puya. Guatemalan security forces used tear gas and batons to break up the peaceful protest camp La Puya that has been formed for over two years. Women who were at the frontline received baton blows and tear gas inhalation.
XForced eviction of La puya
San José del Golfo, Guatemala
On the 23rd May 2014, security forces evicted the peaceful camp La Puya. Guatemalan security forces used tear gas and batons to break up the peaceful protest camp La Puya that has been formed for over two years. Women who were at the frontline received baton blows and tear gas inhalation.
XArrests, Assault and Intimidation
Gran Sabana, Venezuela - South
On May 21, 2014, at 6.00 a.m. four military commandos and four police patrols, arrived at the area that 300 families affiliated with MARCA have occupied since July 12, 2012 with an order granting right of possession from the appropriate authorities based on a June 29, 2012 ruling from the Court of Trujillo. The police launched tear gas and fired rifles and captured 16 campesinos including 3 leaders who have protective orders from the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. Several campesinos were injured and denied medical care. One pregnant woman who was detained miscarried later.
XForced eviction of community
Ajuterique, Honduras
On May 21, 2014, at 6.00 a.m. four military commandos and four police patrols, arrived at the area that 300 families affiliated with MARCA have occupied since July 12, 2012 with an order granting right of possession from the appropriate authorities based on a June 29, 2012 ruling from the Court of Trujillo. The police launched tear gas and fired rifles and captured 16 campesinos including 3 leaders who have protective orders from the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. Several campesinos were injured and denied medical care. One pregnant woman who was detained miscarried later.
XVerbal assault
Piura, Peru - North
On the 20th May 2014, Mrs Santos Ibañez was verbally assaulted by man named Jesus from the community of Loupe alto, who called her an ignorant woman and that members of AMUPPA were old donkeys and gossips.
XAttempted Murder
Chocó, Colombia
On May 20, gunmen tried to kill Enrique Cabezas, leader of the movement for the restoration of land, near a military base in the Curvaradó River in northwestern Colombia. The group of armed men came in search of Enrique Cabezas, and they arrived at a house in which he was hiding in the village of Llano Rico, Township Ríosucio, Chocó.
Thankfully Enrique Cabezas managed to escape.
XWHRD assaulted by men
Santa Isabel Cholula, Mexico
On the 20th May 2014, journalist Yadira Llaven Anzures was in the area of Santa Isabel Cholula to document the construction of the pipeline Morelos. As she was on the shoulder of the highway taking photographs she was approached by three men. They attempted to take her cell phone and threatened to call the police. They told her without identifying themselves that it was a private location and nobody can access it without a permit from the governmnet. The men took photos of her and her license plate.
XIntimidation against Journalist
Santa Isabel Cholula, Mexico
'On the 20th May 2014, following intimidation when carrying out her journalistic duties whilst taking photos of the Morelos pipeline. Yadira Anzures received a phone call from a man who identified himself as Oscar Burgos, a government employee. In a strong tone he questioned that any assault happened and accused her of creating commotion over nothing and attempting to create a story.

Later, a government spokesman, Fernando Cristano stated that there was no such person under that name that was on the government payroll. '
XArrest and assault
Cajamarca, Peru - North
On the 13 May 2014, a contingent of Human Rights Defenders and international monitors visited one of the endangered Lagoons from the Minas Conga Project. When inspecting the Lagoon Peruvian Police surrounded the inspectors, and demanded the documentation of all there. Following this 12 were arrested including the international observers. Three of the local human rights defenders Elvis Vasquez, Victor Vasquez Peralta and Percy Coluche were beaten and Percy Coluche was left with serious head injuries. The international observers were kept seperate from National HRD and were taken to Cajamarca where they were questioned exstensively before being released in the early hours of the next day.
XVerbal assault
Piura, Peru - North
On May 12, 2014 Mrs Aide Garcia Ruiz, was verbally attacked near her home by two people who called her 'disgusting and old' and that the mine will come on top of her and that they will give her a little present if she continues in this. They laughed and mocked her.
XWHRD Assaulted
Colima, Mexico
Reina Carpio Hernandez was assaulted by Andres Aranda Casimiro with a punch to the head.
XEjected from bus
Cajamarca, Peru - North
Maxima was travelling to her home from Cajamarca with two intenrational observers when the bus they were travelling in was stopped at a checkpoint. The Ronderos manning the checkpoint refused to allow her to pass with the two foreigners. She was made to leave the bus. She faced insults and pressure to leave the transport from her fellow passengers who were also held up.
XThreats against members of AMUPPA
Piura, Peru - North
A verbal confrontation occurred between members of AMUPPA and pro-mining community members. During the confrontation the members of AMUPPA were threatened.
Espinar, Ecuador
On the 30 April 2014, Vilma Taquima was detained by the order of the Fiscal of Espinar for a suspected violation against mining company Glencore Xstrata.
Jupilingo, Guatemala
On 28 April 2014, at 5:56pm, Yeimy Rodriguez received a text message stating that, “for better or worse, you are going to dieâ€. The threat follows her denunciation of the harassment and threats made against another member of the organisation.
Jupilingo, Guatemala
On 27 April 2014, Yeimy Rodriguez received a phone call from a hidden number stating that she had already been told many times to be quiet, and telling her to stop making denunciations or she would pay for each of them. The caller added “is it that you want to die?†The threat follows her denunciation of the harassment and threats made against another member of the organisation.
XQuestioned by unknown man
Cajamarca, Peru - North
Maxima and her daughter, Ysidora, were travelling from Cajamarca to Lima. When they arrived at the airport in Cajamarca a man approached them asking where they were travelling and how long they were going for.
XAccosted by unknown woman
Lima, Peru - South
Maxima and her daughter, Ysidora, were travelling from Cajamarca to Lima. As they were leaving the airport in Lima a woman approached them, stated Maxima's name and that she was there to pick them up. Ysidora was wary of the woman as this had never been in the plan. After ringing ULAM, she was told that nobody had been sent to pick them up and to not go with the woman.
XWomen defender verbally attacked
Gran Sabana, Venezuela - South
In a meeting in the community Iboribo, where the President of the Indigenous Foundation and the Captain of the community were present. The leaders attacked Alicia Castro and prevented her from speaking stating 'You no nothing and have no right to get involved in this, we know very well who made the denunciation.'
XWHRD intimidated
Cajamarca, Peru - North
A man believed to be employed by the mine has been positioned very close to the land of Maxima. He identifies himself as a security man. There is nohing close to Maxima's home except land, so they believe he is there to document the activities of the family. As he can see when people leave the house and when it is inhabited. Maxima is also scared as she is left alone in the house at times and believes that the man could enter their land.
XSlander of AMUPPA members
Piura, Peru - North
A pro mining radio station began insulting members of AMUPPA and began saying derogatory remarks about their work.
XAssault and arrest
San Jose Rio Manzo, Mexico
El día de hoy 13 de abril del 2014 alrededor de las 13:00 hrs,una comisión de 20 compañeras y compañeros de la comunidad de Amilcingo, Temoac, Morelos, realizaban un rondín de guardia por las inmediaciones de la normal Emiliano Zapata como parte de las actividades que realizan ante su oposición al paso del gasoducto en su comunidad.

Al dar la vuelta y salir a la carretera, los compañeros que venían en una combi, cuando unas camionetas de la policía estatal del mando único salieron del puente que se encuentra a unos metros de la normal, haciendo disparos al aire y lanzando gases lacrimógenos a las personas para después perseguirlas y detenerlas.

Habia 5 detenidos Juvenal Barrera, Adán Rosales (60 años), Victorina Ramírez, Yazmín Velázquez y el ayudante municipal Aarón Aguilar (este último sabemos que ha sido golpeado).
XMurder and serious assault
Matasquecuintla, Guatemala
Late on Sunday 13 April 2014, Alex Reynoso and his daughter Merilyn Topacio Reynoso were returning home to Matequescuintla after attending an activity in a nearby community. Thery were intercepted by gunmen who shot and killed Merilyn and severely wounded her father. Both father and daughter were activists and stauntley opposed Canadian mining company Tahoe Resources' Escobal Mine in guatemala.
XPolice assault community members
Amilcingo, Mexico
The 13th April, 2014 around 13:00 hrs, a commission of 20 members of the community of Amilcingo, Temoac, Morelos, were on a guard tour as part of their activities to their opposition to the passage of the pipeline in their community.

A state police vans began to take sole command of the bridge that is located a few meters away and they began shooting into the air and throwing tear gas to chase the community members away

There were five detainees Juvenal Barrera, Adam Rosales (60), Victorina Ramirez, Yazmin Velázquez and municipal assistant Aaron Aguilar.
XInsulted on the street
Chichipate, Guatemala
XAttempted kidnapping
Acacias, Colombia
On 10 April 2014, at approximately 12:30pm, human rights defender Ms Carmen Ruiz Martínez was followed by two unknown women while going to the market in the town of Juchitán. The women grabbed her as to force her to go with them, but she managed to escape. The human rights defender observed a man in a taxi with pink stripes awaiting to collect the women.

Shortly before these events, Carlos Sánchez Martínez, a colleague of Carmen Ruiz Martínez, received a call from a woman who told him that 'they' were about to abduct Carmen Ruiz Martínez and that they already knew that she was normally accompanied by two people. A few minutes later, Carlos Sánchez Martínez received another call regarding the human rights defender, but he hung up. Carmen Ruiz Martínez recognised the women as being the same people who attacked her in a similar way a few months previously.

Carmen Ruiz Martínez is a member of the Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Juchitán – APPJ (Popular Assembly of Juchitán).
XVerbal abuse against WHRD
Arequipa, Peru - South
On Wednesday 10th April 2014, Rosa Martinez was returning to her home, she was close to her house and passed the office of Mina Sur, when four workers outside of the office began shouting at her stating 'you're ignorant and you should shut up' Rosa sped up to get past them.
XIntimidation by the Police
San José del Golfo, Guatemala
Early on the 9th April, a local company contracted by KCA, Transmac S.A., arrived at La Puya with heavy machinery along with National Civic Police escort. By mid-day, Transmac was forced to remove the machinery from the area. However, two representatives of KCA’s local subsidiary, EXMINGUA, remained throughout the day. The police presence also stayed and increased. By 2 pm, there were roughly 300 agents, many of whom were women dressed in full riot gear, lined up outside the entrance to the peaceful encampment.The massive police presence, particularly the presence of female agents, gave the impression that an eviction attempt was imminent. Hundreds of people gathered at La Puya and spent the afternoon under intense pressure and fear. While an arrest warrant was never emitted and the PNC made no attempt to remove the encampment, there is a clear intent to intimidate and provoke confrontation with the population in peaceful resistance
XHeavy police presence
San José del Golfo, Guatemala
Early April 9, a local company contracted by KCA, Transmac S.A., arrived at La Puya with heavy machinery along with National Civic Police escort. By mid-day, Transmac was forced to remove the machinery from the area. However, two representatives of KCA’s local subsidiary, EXMINGUA, remained throughout the day. The police presence also stayed and increased. By 2 pm, there were roughly 300 agents, many of whom were women dressed in full riot gear, lined up outside the entrance to the peaceful encampment.The massive police presence, particularly the presence of female agents, gave the impression that an eviction attempt was imminent. Hundreds of people gathered at La Puya spent the afternoon under intense pressure and fear. While an arrest warrant was never emitted and the PNC made no attempt to remove the encampment, there is a clear intent to intimidate and provoke confrontation with the population in peaceful resistance
XAttempted forced eviction
La Sierra de La Laguna,, Mexico
On Monday April 7, 2014 at 9:30am, heavily armed men under the command of one of the sons of the landlord David Leonel Ponce Ramirez entered the community of 9 de Febrero with the intenton to evict the inhabitants. Failing to achieve their goal they opened fire wounding 4 men and 1 women.
XSerious Assault
Monte Olivo, Guatemala
On Monday April 7, 2014 at 9:30am, heavily armed men under the command of one of the sons of the landlord David Leonel Ponce Ramirez entered the community of 9 de Febrero with the intenton to evict the inhabitants. Failing to achieve their goal they opened fire wounding 4 men and 1 women.
XHuman Right Defenders ssassinated of WHRD
Cholula, Mexico
On the 6th April 2014, Ms Enedina Rosas Veleza (60 years old) was arrested alongside, Juan Carlos Flores Solís, a fellow member of 'vocero del Frente de Pueblos en Defensa del Agua y la Tierra' (Front in defence of water and land). Witnesses report that police failed to show an arrest warrant or to identify themselves, and used firearms to threaten those nearby. Enedina Rosas Veleza is facing charges of aggravated robbery and obstruction of public works. She faces a possible sentence of nine years.
XHuman Right Defenders Detainedssassination of WHRD
Cholula, Mexico
El 6 de abril de 2014, la Sra Enedina Rosas Veleza (60 años) fue detenido junto a Juan Carlos Flores Solís, un compañero de 'Vocero del Frente de Pueblos en Defensa del Agua y la Tierra' (Frente en defensa del agua y la tierra ). Testigos informan que la policía no mostraron una orden de detención o de identificarse, y utilizaron armas de fuego para amenazar a los que están cerca. Enedina Rosas Veleza enfrenta cargos de robo agravado y obstrucción de las obras públicas. Ella se enfrenta a una posible condena de nueve años.
XMan requesting information at school
San José del Golfo, Guatemala
On the 5 April 2014, a man appeared at the school of the children of Yolanda Oqueli. He asked the teachers at what time she usually arrives.
XAMUPPA member followed by motorcycle
Piura, Peru - North
An AMUPPA member was followed by a motorbike as she returned to her home in Piura. After she received threatening messages to her mobile phone.
Acacias, Colombia
On 4 April 2014, two women were seen with two men in a white vehicle, registered with RB29-846 plates. They circled the block where the human rights defender Carmen Ruiz Martínez was selling products in the market, overtly pointing at her. That same day, Mariano López, another member of the APPJ, received a threatening phone call.

Carmen Ruiz Martínez is a member of the Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Juchitán – APPJ (Popular Assembly of Juchitán).
XIntimidation against WHRD
Juchitán, Mexico
On 4 April 2014, two women were seen with two men in a white vehicle, registered with RB29-846 plates. They circled the block where the human rights defender Carmen Ruiz Martínez was selling products in the market, overtly pointing at her. That same day, Mariano López, another member of the APPJ, received a threatening phone call.

Carmen Ruiz Martínez is a member of the Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Juchitán – APPJ (Popular Assembly of Juchitán).'
Oaxaca, Mexico
On 14 March, José Inés Sánchez y Mariano Sánchez, company representative of Gas Natural Fenosa attempted to enter the land of Peter Martinez. His daughter, Eloisa Martinez, blocked their entrance with a motorcycle. They then started to be aggressive to her and threatened her stating '“pásale encima porque ese terreno es míoâ€. They then proceeded to tell her that the company would not stop as it is losing millions every day.

All the events related to human rights in those areas of Latin America where we have contacts are recorded here, with emphasis on women, mining and indigenous peoples.

Hover the cursor over the incident to view more detail; or click on the Lambda symbol to open a corresponding web article.

Specific threat (Piura, Peru - North; 22:6:2014)
Verbal assault
Specific threat (Cholula, Mexico; 9:6:2014)
Threats and damage
Specific threat (El Terrero, Honduras; 9:6:2014)
Family threatened by ex General
Verbal abuse (Piura, Peru - North; 8:6:2014)
Two AMUPPA members insulted in the street
Eviction (Gran Sabana, Venezuela - South; 5:6:2014)
Verbal abuse (Piura, Peru - North; 5:6:2014)
AMMUPA member attacked
Verbal abuse (Piura, Peru - North; 31:5:2014)
A month of defamation and threats against AMUPPA members
Intimidation (La Paz, Honduras; 30:5:2014)
Intimidation (Huehuetlan, Mexico; 30:5:2014)
Intimidation by the Security Forces
Intimidation (La Paz, Honduras; 28:5:2014)
Intimidation (Huehuetlan, Mexico; 28:5:2014)
Intimidation by the Security Forces
False allegation (Monte Olivo, Guatemala; 27:5:2014)
Charged with obstruction
Eviction (Monte Olivo, Guatemala; 23:5:2014)
Eviction (San José del Golfo, Guatemala; 23:5:2014)
Forced eviction of La puya
Eviction (Gran Sabana, Venezuela - South; 21:5:2014)
Arrests, Assault and Intimidation
Eviction (Ajuterique, Honduras; 21:5:2014)
Forced eviction of community
Verbal abuse (Piura, Peru - North; 20:5:2014)
Verbal assault
Other (Chocó, Colombia; 20:5:2014)
Attempted Murder
Assault (Santa Isabel Cholula, Mexico; 20:5:2014)
WHRD assaulted by men
Intimidation (Santa Isabel Cholula, Mexico; 20:5:2014)
Intimidation against Journalist
Assault (Cajamarca, Peru - North; 13:5:2014)
Arrest and assault
Verbal abuse (Piura, Peru - North; 12:5:2014)
Verbal assault
Assault (Colima, Mexico; 8:5:2014)
WHRD Assaulted
Intimidation (Cajamarca, Peru - North; 5:5:2014)
Ejected from bus
Non-specific threat (Piura, Peru - North; 2:5:2014)
Threats against members of AMUPPA
Detention (Espinar, Ecuador; 29:4:2014)
Non-specific threat (Jupilingo, Guatemala; 28:4:2014)
Non-specific threat (Jupilingo, Guatemala; 27:4:2014)
Intimidation (Cajamarca, Peru - North; 22:4:2014)
Questioned by unknown man
Intimidation (Lima, Peru - South; 22:4:2014)
Accosted by unknown woman
Verbal abuse (Gran Sabana, Venezuela - South; 20:4:2014)
Women defender verbally attacked
Intimidation (Cajamarca, Peru - North; 20:4:2014)
WHRD intimidated
False allegation (Piura, Peru - North; 18:4:2014)
Slander of AMUPPA members
Assault (San Jose Rio Manzo, Mexico; 13:4:2014)
Assault and arrest
Murder (Matasquecuintla, Guatemala; 13:4:2014)
Murder and serious assault
Assault (Amilcingo, Mexico; 13:4:2014)
Police assault community members
Verbal abuse (Chichipate, Guatemala; 10:4:2014)
Insulted on the street
Other (Acacias, Colombia; 10:4:2014)
Attempted kidnapping
Verbal abuse (Arequipa, Peru - South; 10:4:2014)
Verbal abuse against WHRD
Intimidation (San José del Golfo, Guatemala; 9:4:2014)
Intimidation by the Police
Intimidation (San José del Golfo, Guatemala; 8:4:2014)
Heavy police presence
Serious assault (La Sierra de La Laguna,, Mexico; 7:4:2014)
Attempted forced eviction
Serious assault (Monte Olivo, Guatemala; 7:4:2014)
Serious Assault
Detention (Cholula, Mexico; 6:4:2014)
Human Right Defenders ssassinated of WHRD
Detention (Cholula, Mexico; 6:4:2014)
Human Right Defenders Detainedssassination of WHRD
Surveillance (San José del Golfo, Guatemala; 5:4:2014)
Man requesting information at school
Surveillance (Piura, Peru - North; 5:4:2014)
AMUPPA member followed by motorcycle
Surveillance (Acacias, Colombia; 4:4:2014)
Intimidation (Juchitán, Mexico; 4:4:2014)
Intimidation against WHRD
Specific threat (Oaxaca, Mexico; 14:3:2014)
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