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XArrested without good reason
Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela - West
In Nov 2011, Carmen’s son Christopher Fernandez was arrested by an officer of the National Guard when leaving a bus. He was accused of being a murderer and was held for three days. No murders had happened, rather he was held as a form of intimidation and psychological torture to both himself and his family.
Oaxaca, Mexico
On October 28, 2011, local henchmen and municipal police attacked Ms. Lucila Bettina Cruz Velázquez and members of the Committee.
XDaughter of AMUPPA member attacked
Piura, Peru - North
A fifteen year old daughter of an AMUPPA member was attacked by children of mine supporters. She was left with both psychological and physical injuries.
XIntimidation of Woman Human Rights Defender
San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala
'On Wednesday August 31st at approximately 3:30 pm in San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Ms. Gregoria Crisanta Pérez was leaving the village of Máquivil on her way to her home in the village of Ãgel. On her way, she observed a car from the official political party, UNE, as well as a dark green car with stripes following closely behind as part of the party caravan. This car is well known as belonging to the Mejia family.

The car appeared to be headed to the car workshop “General Mechanics and Maintenance of All Types†located on the side of the road that connects the village of Máquivil to that of San Miguel Ixtahuacán. In that moment, Gregoria Crisanta Pérez entered the Aguilar Transport bus headed to the San Antonio intersection. Once there, Ms. Perez waited for a taxi to go to the village of Ãgel where she resides. While she waited for the taxi, the same dark green car belonging to the Mejia family reappeared. Ms. Crisanta then continued to her cousin’s house that is located just south of this intersection. When Crisanta turned to look to see if the car had left, she saw that the car continued in her direction. Gregoria Cisanta then headed towards nearby cornfields to hide herself until the car had left. She remained hidden in the cornfield for approximately 20 minutes. When she left the corn field she saw that the car was still there. Ms. Pérez then walked towards her friend Maria Yoc’s house, approximately 1 kilometer away. Once there, she stayed at the house for about half an hour to ensure her own safety.'
X300 campesinos forcibly displaced from the community Nueva Esperanza
Sierra del Lacand�, Guatemala
'On August 23, approximately 300 farmers were forcibly evicted from their community in Sierra del Lacandón, Petén. The communities were indiscriminately accused by Interior Minister Menocal of having connections to drug trafficking organizations. The evictions are also linked to the Colom Administration’s plans for the construction of four hydroelectric dam projects (Cuatro Balam) and a tourism development project in what Colom calls the “cradle of Mayan civilization.†No evidence has been produced of any links between the farmers and organized crime networks.

Many of the families fled when they heard gunfire, they watched from distance as their homes were destroyed with chainsaws, doused in gasoline, and set on fire. Many of them ran to the hills, hiding out for days in the forest, eating what they could scavenge.

The soldiers didn’t leave the remote village after the eviction, nor did the police or the armed park rangers. Instead, they occupied the few buildings they hadn’t burned to the ground.

After the August eviction, the community decided there was only one safe place to go where the Guatemalan army and police couldn’t come after them: Mexico. They set up lean-tos and tents in a fivemetre- wide strip that marks the border between the two. After being forcibly removed by Mexican authorities in January, the community returned and set up their makeshift shacks a few metres from the line. They drink and bathe using water from shallow wells dug alongside a stream that trickles across the border from the Mexican side.'
XFamily beaten by four policemen
Cajamarca, Peru - North
DINOES (Special Operations Division of the Peruvian National Police) entered the land of Maxima Chaupe Acuna with mining engineers and heavy machinery. Maxima Chaupe Acuna's eighteen-year-old daughter Isiodora Chaupe Acuna jumped in front of the machinery to block its path. Several policemen grabbed her and dragged her away. They then started to beat her. Maxima Chaupe Acuna went to her daughter's aid, but the police turned on her and started punching her. Both women were beaten unconscious. The husband of Maxima Chaupe Acuna attempted to help his wife and daughter, but had a gun pointed at his head. The police hit the son of Maxima Chaupe Acuna in the chest, leaving him with long-lasting affects on his lungs and breathing.
X138 farmers forcibily evicted to make way for hydroeltric dam
Panzos, Guatemala
On August 10, security guards attacked the rural community of ParanaÌ. A group of around 30 security guards, carrying rifles, arrived at midnight, shouting: “Set it on fire, shoot!†. They opened fire. Three people received bullet wounds: MartiÌn Tec May, Carlos Ical, were shot a bullet grazed nine-year-old girl's foot Elena Tec. The armed men also beat with heavy blunt instruments MariÌa Pop, Carolina Rax Tiul, Carolina Caal Cuc and Juan Tiul Tiul. The guards also looted homes and set crops and five homes on fire. Police later found about 50 spent rifle cartridges.
XAssaulted (together with her children) by police
Cajamarca, Peru - North
DINOES (Special Operations Divison of the Peruvian National Police) entered and destroyed the home of Maxima Chaupe Acuna. One hundred DINOES came to her home to try to evict her. They killed her animals and injured Maxima Chaupe Acuna, as well as her two children. They took their clothes, food, utensils, and demolished the home. Her 15-year-old son was threatened by four police officers with guns.
XIntimidation of women human right defender
Nari�, Colombia
In August 2011, Contract workers for Canadian mining company Gran Colombia Gold sent around texts asking, 'Who is this son of a bitch light-skinned girl Luzmila who is the intellectual author of social disorder, who doesn't like municipal development?'
XShot dead by three individuals on motorcycles
Panzos, Guatemala
On 4 June 2011, at approximately 11.55 pm, María Margarita Chub Che was shot dead by three unknown individuals on motorcycles in the community of Parana, in the Polochic Valley, Alta Verapaz.
XAssassination of Woman Human Right Defender
Panzos, Guatemala
'On 4 June 2011, at approximately 11.55 pm, María Margarita Chub Che was shot dead by three unknown individuals on motorcycles in the courtyard of her house in the presence of her two young children, in the community of Parana, in the Polochic Valley..

XDeath threat
Piura, Peru - North
On 5 May 2011 her neighbour handed her a note that he had received from one of the miners threatening to silence her like they had silenced her husband.
Piura, Peru - North
On 4 May 2011, at approximately 10 am, while on her way to the office of the Public Prosecutor in Ayabaca, Suyo to enquire as to the status of the investigation into her husband's murder, she was followed by the miner who is suspected of killing him. As she approached the office, he caught up with her and began laughing at her and harassing her. He continued to follow her inside the building until he was asked to leave by a guard. This is part of an ongoing campaign of intimidation against her. Benicia Chinchay Mulatillo has been subjected to continued intimidation by the miner.
XMine workers attack AMUPPA members
Aguachica, Colombia
Two AMUPPA members were attacked by mine employees and were accused of being terrorists as they visited a school in Ñangali.
Piura, Peru - North
As Benicia Chinchay Mulatillo made her weekly visit to her detained son, she decided to stay the night in Piura. Her neighbours reported seeing the miner accused of killing her husband and other men waiting in an alleyway that she normally crosses on the way home.
XIndigenous protesters assaulted and taken hostage
San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala
'On February 28, 2011, at four thirty in the afternoon approximately 200 Indigenous men and women from Mayan communities affected by Goldcorp's Marlin Gold mine in San Marcos, Guatemala, were attacked and taken hostage by a group of individuals. The assault occurred after a peaceful blockade of the highway, which is used by the mining company.

Approximately forty five protesters were returning to their homes by bus when it was stopped and the protesters were forced to get off the bus and were beaten and robbed. Some protesters were taken from the group and attacked individually. The attackers came armed with guns, stones, knives, sticks, and other weapons. Thirteen protesters were reported injured including both women and men. Some protesters were detained against their will until they agreed to sign confessions and pay those who were holding them

Miguel Bamacá and Aniceto López were singled out. Miguel Bamaca was beaten mercilessly and Aniceto LoÌpez, was taken to the office of the local mayor, where he was allegedly beaten and threatened with death for speaking out against the mine. Miguel BaÌmaca and Aniceto LoÌpez were released later that evening, seriously injured.
XArrested without cause
Piura, Peru - North
The two eldest sons of Benicia Chinchay Mulatillo, including Edinson Neftali Gonza Chinchay, are arrested and charged with the killing of four miners in the region.
XFather Neftali Ruiz, priest of the Salvadoran Catholic Church ICAS, Secretary of the Board of the Association Cabañas Environmental Committee and member of the National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining fell victim to robbers
Buenaventura, Colombia
In hours around noon, Father Neftali Ruiz, priest of the Salvadoran Catholic Church ICAS, Secretary of the Board of the Association Cabañas Environmental Committee and member of the National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining was the victim of assailants posing by students, stole your personal computer, mobile phone and data storage media._x000d_
The criminals broke into his house stating they were interested in social work performed by Father Naphtali and organizations with which it works, then tied him up and proceeded to strip him of his belongings.
XAMUPPA member shot by police
Piura, Peru - North
In November 2010, Aurelia Romero, from the village of Cajas Canchaque in the Huancabamba province, was shot in her groin and leg by police during a raid of her house. She was left permanently disabled. Officers told her that she was a terrorist for opposing private investment, an enemy of the country, and that she did not deserve to live
Piura, Peru - North
On 22 August 2010, Benicia Chinchay Mulatillo and her husband, environmental leader Arcesio Gonza Castillo, were returning to their home when they were attacked by three unknown individuals. Both were stabbed a number of times before their son, Edinson Neftali Gonza Chinchay, who heard the calls for help from the house, arrived at the scene, at which point the attackers fled. Arcesio Gonza Castillo died of his injuries before arriving at the hospital. Benicia Chinchay Mulatillo received medical attention to the stab wounds she had received in the attack.
XWomen Human Right Defender shot at point blank range
Trujillo, Honduras
On July 7, 2010, Diodora Hernandez, a staunch anti-mining activist, was shot point-blank in the right eye outside her home in the small community of San José Nueva Esperanza – only a few meters from a fence that delimits Goldcorp’s Marlin Mine.
XShot by two men who escaped
San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala
On Wednesday, July 7th, 2010 at 7:30 PM two unknown young men showed up at her house asking for a place to stay. When they were refused housing, they asked to buy a cup of coffee. When Ms. Diadora Hernández went to give them their coffee, they shot her in the head near her right eye, causing significant blood loss. The two men ran off in the direction of San José Ixcaniche. Ms. Diadora Hernández was taken to the hospital in San Marcos and then to the Roosevelt hospital in Guatemala City
XKilled while trying to deliver help to a community cut off by armed groups
Chihuahua, Mexico
On 27 April 2010, Mexican human rights defender Bety Cariño was killed by a paramilitary attack on a peaceful solidarity caravan in Oaxaca, Mexico. As the caravan attempted to enter the autonomous indigenous municipality of San Juan Copala to deliver provisions to the people there, it came under fire. The community had been under siege by armed groups and Bety Cariño, along with other Mexican and international human rights defenders, were trying to break the siege and lend support.
XAMUPPA member threatened
Piura, Peru - North
A note was pushed under the front door of an AMUPPA member, on the note the words stated 'Fucking both, we're going to rape you and cut you into pieces.'
XCharged, and later released
Chicomuselo, Mexico
On 17 August, accused of breaching the peace, criminal association, attacks on the means of communication, damages and prejudice against Blackfire Exploration Ltd. Mariano Abarca Roblero was released from custody on 26 August 2009 for lack of sufficient evidence to pursue a judicial process.
XArrested for protesting
Chicomuselo, Mexico
During the month of July, he and other inhabitants of the municipality had carried out a road block in Chicomuselo to prevent the passage of the mining company’s machinery and trucks. As a result, Mariano Abarca Roblero was arrested
XPolice assault with tear gas
Molleturo, Ecuador
On Wednesday January 7 in the morning, when there was no obstruction of the highway, or any kind of mobilization, the police conducted an operation in Molleturo. The daughter of Yolanda Rosa Bermeo Gutama, Marcia Marisol, was playing in the yard of his home when a passing patrol of tear gas fired, so the girl is concerned, almost choking and suffers a fall, and was unconscious for several hours. The coup has produced an abundant bleeding from the nose and is brought to Sub Health Molleturo, where he received first aid. But when it becomes the child begins to convulsions constant problem of epilepsy, with the looks lost and without speaking, it all afternoon, until about 1800 to his mother gets in touch with fellow Front Women in Cuenca asking him to immediately remove Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. There is staffed by emergency and then interned and remained for 8 days to recover.
XAssault on mining activist by Pro Miners
Cuenca, Ecuador
On 22nd April 2009, women human right defender was returning to her home when she was beaten by several members by a pro-mining family. She was kicked and punched all over her body. She managed to run away.
XAMUPPA member insulted
Piura, Peru - North
A member of AMUPPA was insulted as she was walking in the street by mine workers. 'Dirty old women, what do you know of rights, go cook and sweep the house'.
XWater supply cut
El Paují, Venezuela - East
On February 8, 2009 at 7 am Mrs. Marlene Murillo realizes that again is out of water in their camp, goes to your water tap and get the hose that takes the water chopped into six pieces. Top of this decision are a new and up 3 holes get more miners, at this time there was no one._x000d_
Mr. Palomino is left to repair the hose and now appears Mr. Juan Morales with his stepson Juan Vicente Romero and another miner who could not indentificar coming to pick up their tools of mine that had hidden. At this time Mr. Palomino had such a degree of indignation that dare not speak as an argument in the middle of nowhere with three miners could be dangerous, and this man suffers from chaga and heavy efforts are prohibited altered ._x000d_
Mrs. Marlene Murillo is very disappointed, tired of the multiple attacks that are receiving for over a year because the camp is surrounded by miners, but this month they cut four times the hose, you have lying about three times the sign of their camp and whenever time permits set fire around the camp. The Indians are pro-mining the threatening that they will get as she is on the road to gold vein. In early February was very sick with diarrhea and vomiting symptoms typical of ingestion of contaminated water._x000d_
No formal complaint has on numerous occasions but has spoken with authorities. In March of 2007 the captain of the Pauji coordinated with the police and the army a workshop to try to resolve community conflicts products of repeated threats and attacks that affect all the people of El Pauji that support mining , this time after the meeting with Mrs. Murillo hablóo Army Lieutenant military post located an hour and a half of the people, being the only authority that can protect a radius of 80 km to tell you in a while no clean water and the many aggressions which have been the victim. The result was that the next day they set fire to a few meters from their camp._x000d_
It wants to report it in the village and in 10 years we have 3 home invasions one with serious physical assaults on a couple, one with aggression towards women alone with children these cases were reported in the prosecution but as lack of authority in the village, there was no follow-up and in all cases the experience was so traumatic that these people left the village for good. So go unpunished offenders living in the town and strengthened._x000d_
Monitoring actions_x000d_
Of course this affects your work, if you do not sign difficult to locate their camp and therefore the influx of tourists, being alone has had two foreign tourists put out a fire that threatened to burn their camp exposing and exposing them to dangers of putting out a fire without proper tools or knowledge required where placed in terms of a fire with wind._x000d_
Defamatory Bells also affect not only their work but also their relationship with the community, do not know how to handle the situation, the Women of the Water House have tried to help by talking to the elders of the people to draw attention to indigenous miners following the traditional codes of conflict resolution, there has been a temporary removal of some but others turn to get into the same place. The geographical position if you feel isolated is 3 km from the village.
XE-mail threat
Cuenca, Ecuador
They were told that red will be the first to retaliate against students who were in the stoppage of the day April 2, 2008 are ..... Be identified among others by members of the GCP (terrorist group) will be given an indulgence if these students are kept away from any similar protest against the dominant system in the country from somewhere in the homeland: Commander titanBatallón patriotic white exterminioLegión
XThreat via e-mail
Azuay, Ecuador
Email received at 12:04 stating: Se les dará una indulgencia si es que estos estudiantes se mantienen alejados de cualquier protesta o parecido contra el sistema dominante en el país
Desde algún lugar de la patria:

Comandante titan
Batallón patriótico de exterminio
Legión blanca
XArrest warrant
Azuay, Ecuador
After the demonstrations against the adoption of the Mining Act, which made since January 5, was notified by the lawyer Dr. Patricio Ochoa, on Thursday, January 8, she, along with 4 other people Molleturo have an arrest warrant, so he had to leave home to avoid being captured. He was charged with 'organized terrorism', for incidents which occurred in Molleturo, in which they had nothing to do. The police conducted ongoing surveillance throughout the parish Molleturo. His relatives have reported that the cars go permanently dark glasses for his house and unknown people are also prowling. Also reported that the pro-miners are vigilant, looking into his foot and are serving as spies for the police.
XFalse allegations
Cuenca, Ecuador
Along with other prisoners was brought to hearing in Criminal Court II of Azuay, with Judge Simon Valdivieso. There first the judge ordered the immediate release because the police report refers delivered to other people and not to the present, therefore contravenes Article 77.3 of the Constitution. Immediately the prosecutor takes the floor and begins, at that very moment an instruction to accuse her of impeding tax roads and destroying a car. The prosecutor says she has been throwing rocks from the mountain. The damage involved in a police ambulance and kidnapping the police doctor, when all this happened long after they were arrested and trasladas to Cuenca. She was released because the judge considered Valdivieso not meet the three requirements of Article 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and also that there is no evidence, nor Attorney exact signaling on the behavior of the accused.
XFalse allegations
Cuenca, Ecuador
He was moved to Cuenca, where he was arrested the next day and had a hearing where Attorney Ivan Saquicela, made a series of allegations, and requested custody, but Judge Simon Valdivieso felt that there was no reason for this measure, because no 3 meet the requirements of Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The prosecutor referred to the companion like a common criminal and charged with obstructing the public highway and destroying a car. As in other cases of detainees, the police made no distinction between those in the stay, and who were passing through there to go to work or go to Cuenca, with the road closed because you have to mobilize foot. Everyone who peeked was arrested. Even the police were used to ask where do you? And just to say he was arrested for Molleturo a compañero.Luego to regain his freedom, went to the Ombudsman of Azuay where a complaint made against police officers for physical abuse, with verbal aggression and work, and who lived in psychological hands of the police.
Morona Santiago, Peru - South
After being set free, filed a complaint in the Azuay Ombudsman against mistreatment by police in the same, which states:_x000d_
'On January 5, 2009, at about 9 in the morning 5 police stopped me holding tight arms. Even today I have a pain in my chest from the blows, pushed me and put me on a patrol force, 'telling me to tell the people at the top to go down.' Dragged me away. I do not show any arrest warrant. '_x000d_
The complaint is against the Chief of Police for the violation of rights of freedom by being arrested and beaten by the police.
XPolice detention
Cuenca, Ecuador
On January 5, 2009, at about 09:00 in the morning, the police arrested 5 grip with force of arms, even had the time to put the complaint in the Ombudsman's Office, ie the next day in the afternoon, a strong pain in the chest by the blows. She pushed him and put in a patrol force, saying that says the people who were up on the hill, 'to fall'. Dragged him away. Not show any arrest warrant. He was moved to Cuenca, where he was arrested the next day and had a hearing where Attorney Ivan Saquicela, made a series of allegations, and requested custody, but Judge Simon Valdivieso felt that there was no reason for this measure, because no 3 meet the requirements of Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The prosecutor referred to the companion like a common criminal and charged with obstructing the public highway and destroying a car. As in other cases of detainees, the police made no distinction between those in the stay, and who were passing through there to go to work or go to Cuenca, with the road closed because you have to mobilize foot. Everyone who peeked was arrested. Even the police were used to ask where do you? And just to say he was arrested for Molleturo a compañero.Luego to regain his freedom, went to the Ombudsman of Azuay where a complaint made against police officers for physical abuse, with verbal aggression and work, and who lived in psychological hands of the policía.El January 29, judges of the Superior Court of Justice of Azuay, hosting the appeal by the Prosecutor Ivan Saquicela, who on January 7, 2009, appealed the judge's decision Valdivieso, and that judges of the Criminal Division of Azuay: Seade Eduardo Maldonado, Narcisa Ramos Hermida Ariosto Reinoso, issued new arrest warrant for Virginia Chun, because according to these judges if they meet the requirements of Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. For this reason it is hidden to avoid being arrested, as is also known that there is a trial by 'organized terrorism' against them.
XPolice detention
Cuenca, Ecuador
On January 5, 2009 at about 9 am 4 police detained him in an arbitrary and caused physical abuse, verbal and psychological. She has filed a complaint with the Ombudsman of Azuay which states: '... halaron me, dragged me, gave me a puñete in my head almost split, another puñete in the stomach, kicked me, I'm insulted that one' India crude now that you are going to burn, and stones were falling, I was put there so that the stones fall on me, telling me that I would tell people to stop voting on the rocks, and I told them that 'no I have nothing to do with unemployment. ' I put the power to patrol and even told me why I was carrying, or showed me anything. 'Together with other detainees was taken to the court hearing II Criminal Azuay, with Judge Simon Valdivieso. There in the first place the judge ordered the immediate release, because the police handed refers to other people and not the present, therefore it violates Article 77.3 of the Constitution. Prosecutor immediately took the floor and starts, at that moment to accuse a public prosecutor's investigation to obstruct public streets and destroying a car. The prosecutor said she had been throwing rocks from the mountain. Involved in the damage to an ambulance and police to the abduction of police doctor, when all this happened long after they were arrested and moved to Cuenca. She was released because the judge considered Valdivieso not meet the 3 requirements of Article 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and further that there is no evidence or indication of the Prosecutor on the exact behavior of the accused. After being left at liberty, made complaint in the Ombudsman of Azuay against the policemen who maltrataron.El Wednesday January 7 in the morning, when there was no obstruction of the highway, or any kind of mobilization, Police conducted an operation in Molleturo. Gutama Yolanda's daughter, Marcia Marisol, was playing in the yard of his home when a passing patrol of tear gas fired, so the girl is concerned, almost choking and suffers a fall, and was unconscious for several hours . The coup has produced an abundant bleeding from the nose and is brought to Sub Health Molleturo, where he received first aid. But when it becomes the child begins to convulsions constant problem of epilepsy, with the looks lost and without speaking, it all afternoon, until about 1800 to his mother gets in touch with fellow Front Women in Cuenca asking him to immediately remove Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. There is staffed by emergency and then placed, 8 days remaining until recuperarse.El January 29, 2009, judges of the Superior Court of Justice of Cuenca, hosting the appeal filed by the prosecutor Ivan Saquicela, who on January 7 by appealed the 2009 decision by Judge Simon Valdivieso, to release Gutama Yolanda. This appeal was received by the judges of the Second Criminal Division of Azuay: Seade Eduardo Maldonado, Narcisa Ramos, Ariosto Reinoso Hermina, who issued new arrest warrant for Yolanda Gutama, because according to them if the requirements of Section 167 . For this reason she had to leave their home to avoid being arrested, as is also known that there is a trial by 'organized terrorism' against them.
XAttacked with tear gas
Cuenca, Ecuador
On January 5, 2009, during the protest demonstrations carried out that day, the home of Mrs. Narcisa Sanchez was flooded with gas, around 15:00 (3 pm). She was there with her daughters or when the police began to throw large amounts of tear gas to remove demonstrators who had closed the road in front of his house. His two daughters, Adriana and Doris, were washing clothes in the back when the police poured bombs strike participants who were fleeing toward the pasture. At that time his daughter Adriana was struck in the chest by a bomb thrown directly into the body by the Mayor Omar León police, while her other daughter fell fainted asphyxiated by the gases received directly in the nose. Viewing this from the window of his house, went to the front, with her daughter one year old in his arms, where was this more than thirty Omar León police and requested that it not continue throwing more bombs because their daughters were beaten, then this is more insulted by saying: 'India hooker what do you want?' he pointed to the body with the gun and tear gas bombs launched directly into the body, impact on the legs and the back of the hip, made by At least 5 bombs and the rest went to his home that was filled with gas in the inside. All this led to his daughter Doris of one years of age died of asphyxiation and fainted, had to be met by a specialist for recuperación.Posteriormente put the complaint in question in the Ombudsman of Azuay, and was also able to denounce Mayor Omar Leon at the reunion held by the Ombudsman of Ecuador on January 9, 2009.
XArrest of Isaura Espinoza
Morona Santiago, Peru - South
Zoila Zhunio Teresa went to Indanza where his brothers, because his brother Vicente Zhunio not in good health and used to get to know an area you want to buy there._x000d_
Zoila Aida Teresa and America Zhunio Zhunio up early at 5 am to go around the paddock. Back came across a group of people who were protesting in the streets of the town. They stayed there for a while and that an altercation arises between Mrs. Isaura Espinoza and Secretary of the police station. Ms. Isaura Espinoza is stopped. After this they retired to his home._x000d_
However, in the police report about the SEIZURE OF MRS. ESPINOSA CARMELINA ISAURA VALVERDE and Obstruction of public roads, it is said that the police came to Indanza from Limon and could see that there was a road block in the Miracle-Indanza Plan-San Juan Bosco and that they withdrew proceed obstacles among them a string that was crossed on the road:_x000d_
'It should be noted that taking procedure in order to enable vehicular traffic were attacked by protesters physically and verbally identifying the cantonal authorities to the following Zhunio Ms. Aida Samaniego, Zhunio Teresa Samaniego, Luz Salinas, Julio Maita who proceeded to physically assault with a tree at the height of the left arm of the Police Ser Angel Campoverde SGPT, and likewise Ms. ESPINOZA ISAURA CARMELINA VALVERDE, 40 years old, who physically assaulted with a knife (machete) to Mr. Manuel Vasquez Vasquez, secretary of the National Police of the Canton Lemon Indanza not injuring ..._x000d_
According to interviews Mr. Wilson Brito POLITICAL LIEUTENANT Indanza PARISH, and some citizens of the sector is aware that the leaders of these events are: Vicente Zhunio, Zhunio Aida Samaniego, Zhunio Teresa Samaniego, Luz Salinas, Suarez Ismael Salinas who are also the protagonists of the acts committed on December 18, 2008, where the road obstructed and destroyed the bridge leading Gualaceo Miracle Plan, Cerro Bosco industry. '_x000d_
Accordingly it is clear that the competent cantonal level government and parish who accuse America Zhunio Aida and Teresa Zhunio Zoila as the 'leaders', and not just because the alleged incidents occurred on January 5, but step others accused by the party allegedly occurred in December 2008.
XDetention of Sra Espinoza
Morona Santiago, Peru - South
Came where he was a group of people who had closed the road on national strike protest against the approval of the draft Mining Law. The police already there and after a moment she arrived began removing obstacles from the street, and Mrs. Isaura Espinoza is stopped._x000d_
In the police report on the SEIZURE OF MRS. ESPINOSA CARMELINA ISAURA VALVERDE and Obstruction of public roads, it is said that the police came to Indanza from Limon and could see that there was a road block in the Miracle-Indanza Plan-San Juan Bosco and that they withdrew proceed obstacles among these a string that was crossed on the road:_x000d_
'It should be noted that taking procedure in order to enable vehicular traffic were attacked by protesters physically and verbally identifying the cantonal authorities to the following Zhunio Ms. Aida Samaniego, Zhunio Teresa Samaniego, Luz Salinas, Julio Maita who proceeded to physically assault with a tree at the height of the left arm of the Police Ser Angel Campoverde SGPT, and likewise Ms. ESPINOZA ISAURA CARMELINA VALVERDE, 40 years old, who physically assaulted with a knife (machete) to Mr. Manuel Vasquez Vasquez, secretary of the National Police of the Canton Lemon Indanza without causing injury ... '
Morona Santiago, Peru - South
More or less 07H30_x000d_
Carmelina Isaura Espinoza was standing with a group of people in the place where the road had been closed since the early morning hours by NATIONAL STRIKE against approval Minería.Ella Bill like other people, stops were next to the road peacefully when police approached to open the passage, and that was when the Secretary of the Commissioner of Lemon Manuel Vasquez Vasquez approaches him ofendiéndola of speech and throwing a large stone against your feet. She reacts threatening him with a machete he had, he had been to see his cattle, and the machete is a vital working tool for this work. For this reason the police comes to arrest her, causing others present react to their defense, so that the police assaulted demonstrators with tear gas wealth and manage to carry prey to Isaura Espinoza, who is moving to the dungeon of Lemon ._x000d_
In the police report of SEIZURE OF MRS. ESPINOZA CARMELINA ISAURA VALVERDE and Obstruction of Public Roads, high to Mr. Judge The Criminal and Morona Santiago Transit signed by Edison P. Escobar Cardenas, National Police Investigator Agent-MS PJ (Judicial Police of Morona Santiago) states that the police came to Indanza from Limon and could see that there was a road block in the Miracle-Indanza Plan-San Juan Bosco and that they withdrew proceed obstacles, among these a string that was traversed on the track:_x000d_
'It should be noted that taking procedure in order to enable vehicular traffic were attacked by protesters physically and verbally identifying the cantonal authorities to the following Zhunio Ms. Aida Samaniego, Zhunio Teresa Samaniego, Luz Salinas, Julio Maita who proceeded to physically assault with a tree at the height of the left arm of the Police Ser Angel Campoverde SGPT, and likewise Ms. ESPINOZA ISAURA CARMELINA VALVERDE, 40 years old, who physically assaulted with a knife (machete) to Mr. Manuel Vasquez Vasquez, secretary of the National Police of the Canton Lemon Indanza without causing injury, for that reason immediately proceeded to arrest and take the weapon he was carrying ..._x000d_
Is attached to this part use a machete grip tomato half, a chain of about 15 meters with a padlock globe brand, and spear them presented as evidence of his crimes, was apprehended today to the transfer to the dungeons of Indanza Lemon UPC, not before him know the rights stipulated in Article 77Nral. 2 and 3 of the Political Constitution of the State to be moved back to Canton Santiago Mendez and may be made orders of the competent authorities '
Morona Santiago, Peru - South
The police report is received in the Office on Mendez._x000d_
The Prosecutor of Morona Santiago, Miguel Angel Jimenez starts INQUIRY Villamagua PRIOR._x000d_
It receives the police report in Criminal and Traffic Court IV, in Mendez._x000d_
Isaura Espinoza appear before the Prosecutor to file their free version without oath, in which he says:_x000d_
'Let us, meaning some people Indanza community were arriving to where the road was obstructed, the police were already present, I came to see the cattle and they were placed in the chain and the stones in the road, not know where or who would come, being in the montonera I saw the Secretary of the Commissioner who was pushing the stones and dropped a stone on my feet, I was in Boots, as I was with the machete in hand what I moved the stone knocked out and the police must have thought he was going to cut, so I stopped and the people who were behind me wanted to defend myself, it became the montonera and nerves of what I was going to take stopped, and they released me jaloneaban gases and side to side I do not remember most would, in my arms I have the marks of bruises that I have caused. I know ahead of other people who were present at the site but do not know their names. The moment I did not go back to where I was standing and Mr. Manuel Vázquez, Secretary of the stone rolled Precinct, cops began to insult us like Mr. Commissioner, I was present at the scene with other people because we were defending what is ours, we have not killed anyone, and that was what I wanted to convey to the police, but they would not hear anything when I wanted to get in the car, the cops threw me to the bucket of the patrol as boot a pig and for that reason I have sore all over. On the way I was brought lords who had been coming cotando sent by the Mayor of Lemon '.
Victoria del Portete, Ecuador
On Thursday, December 25, 2008, in the parish of Portete Victoria, San Vicente industry, Mrs. Livia Angel Jimenez Chunchi with her husband, she states that '... While I was returning with my husband in the car, in my house that is located in the area of ​​San Vicente, at 20H00 (8 pm), at about 100 meters away from my home, on the road next to a field of that place, had some obstacles such as land and I get off to withdraw when I heard then insults from Mrs. Victoria Delec, but I did not so important to continue my way ...
Victoria del Portete, Ecuador
On Thursday December 25, 2008, in the parish of Victoria Portete sector, St. Vincent, Mrs Livia with her husband Angel Jimenez Chunchi were brutally attacked by pro-mining, they presented the complaint to the relevant authority, she says that '... While I was returning with my husband in the car, since my house is located in the area of San Vicente, at 20:00 (8 pm), more or less to 100 meters away from my home in the road next to a stadium of that place had some obstacles to land and remove them when I get off at that time I heard insults from Mrs Victoria Délec, but gave no importance and therefore continue my path, then got to the sector Bella Vista, when it appeared at that time were two men who are gentlemen and Juan Carlos Toapanty Shihin who began hitting the car, stalk mirrors down, I got to see this to appease and when I approached them, I fell kicking, and threatening puñetes we were going to kill my husband and me, then my husband got off the car to protect me because I was also attacked but he attacked, was a struggle from person to person, even I have my hat rioja botaron in the distance. I with my husband in the company of Mr. Federico Guzmán, Miriam Chuchuca, Mariana Pugo, Vicente Guzman and Pedro Chuchuca come to the city of Cuenca to the clinic where I met Balarezo Alban Dr. Alban Angel, examined me and told me he was separated tendons of the bone, then I took an X-ray and prescribed me 40 pills desinflamar ... 'He could not continue his job because he was very delicate health and had to follow a medical treatment.
Cuenca, Ecuador
On 23rd October ‘Fernando Aguirre’ at 12:50:47 forwarded an e-mail to the National Association for the Defence of Life and Sovereignty. The message celebrated that “the president practically called you mad, he and everybody who knows you thinks the same. We have seen the letter that you sent. It is written by you, although you are pretending that it is written by the Women Defenders of Mother Earth organisation. Well I want you to know that all the allegations against you are valid…. I think it’s about time that justice is done. How long are you going to go on saying your lies? Live in peace, and if you don’t like what is happening in Ecuador then clear off, or let us live in peace. Stop ruining our lives.â€
Gualaquiza, Ecuador
On 23rd October 2008 Lina Solano was summoned by the Public Prosecutor’s office of Gualaquiza. At the hearing she was informed of two outstanding enquiries against her. Enquiry number 55-2007 formally accuses Lina Solano of leading an armed group which in November /December 2006 (supposedly) attacked Rosa de Oro, a mining camp property of the company Corriente ECSA. The company reported that the group forced its way into the camp, shooting at the workers who had to run for their lives. The company alleges that the robbery and destruction of irreplaceable samples caused a huge economic loss. In her defence Lina Solano states that she has witnesses who can testify she was not at the above incident.
Gualaquiza, Ecuador
On the same day, Lina Solano was also requested by the Public Prosecutor’s office of Gualaquiza to defend herself against accusations (file number 125-2008) that identified her allegedly as leading a march during which supposedly a house (where offices of Corriente-ECSA were) was broken into, looking for workers. The company alleges that the purpose of the break-in was to attack its workers, and that in the process an 80-year-old woman (owner of the house) was manhandled. Lina acknowledges that she attended the protest, called by the National Association in the Defence of Life and Sovereignty, but she was not part of any violent break-in.
XDefamation in radio broadcast
Quito, Ecuador
On 18th October 2008 during his weekly radio programme President Correa was recorded saying, “ … I consider myself an environmentalist. What I am not is childish. They’ve got it into their heads that any type of mining is bad, on what grounds they are saying that who knows? They say its part of the indigenous Cosmo vision… These are ideas held by certain people on the left with a degree of infantile environmentalism. They are entitled to have those ideas; the nation belongs to all of us, including those infantile ecologists. They have a right to say all their illogical arguments, talk rubbish. We all talk rubbish from time to time, don’t we? And they do talk with enthusiasm about their rubbish. What is irritating is the frequency, but this is a democratic country. What we cannot allow is those making statements that we don’t want mining and we are going to oppose it, and that’s the start of a mining war. Everybody knows who they are, and if they were to become candidates they wouldn’t even get their families to vote for them. They talk about democracy. They believe that democracy functions when they win. When they lose, they accuse us of not listening to the minority and that we want to impose our agenda. We have to stop this double moral standard. To these insignificant hotheads (male and female) we say you have a right to think the way you want, but you have no right to say what you want. If they are going to start anti-mining demonstrations, which they have so arrogantly announced, I’m telling them – they have to bear the consequences. We will apply the law. I call upon the inhabitants of this region. You are sitting on one of the biggest gold reserves in the world, and yet because of the whim of a few, we will not be able to extract that wealth._x000d_
They say that it pollutes the water. That’s rubbish. Those allegations do not resist any sensible analysis. There can be mining that does not damage rivers, and we will not allow any mining activity that is not socially and environmentally responsible. These are all lies, myths, whims that do not resist the slightest analysis. They even make absurd statements like ‘No to industrial mining but yes to small-scale mining’. I want you to know that artesanal mining is the biggest polluter, because it’s disorganised. These are terrible contradictions. I leave them with it. That is democracy. We have to bear it. But what they will not do is impose their agenda. They want the country to say ‘No’ to mining. Well if that is what they want, they should become presidential candidates next February. If they win, then there is no mining. If they don’t get any votes, then that shows that they do not represent anybody._x000d_
Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to develop environmentally and socially responsible mining. It would be irresponsible not to mine such phenomenal wealth, which we live on, and that can take us out of underdevelopment._x000d_
Those groups can carry on with their fantasy, their whims and their myths, but they cannot stop what is good for the majority._x000d_
If I call a referendum, we cannot allow ourselves to be dominated by just a few, the same old people, Lina Solano, Monica Chuji, and Martha Roldos. Those people, if they didn’t have who to argue with they would look in the mirror and argue with themselves, because that is how they live, the anti-system, against everything._x000d_
I call upon every citizen with peace that we do not allow them to impose their whim on us, that we do not allow their limited intellectual analysis against mining to be imposed on us. The sensible thing is that as we are the great majority we should go out and protest and support socially and environmentally responsible mining. This is a show of support for the national government. Fellow men, you have to trust that we the government know what we are doing. It is irresponsible to leave all that wealth buried in the soil. They can go with their stories somewhere else.
Cuenca, Ecuador
Again on 15th October 2008 at 10:45am Lina Solano received an e-mail from ‘Fernando Aguirre’. The message said: “I don’t understand what you want. The new (mining) law is good. I think you are an old spinster, if not then your husband is not doing what he should. Leave all the hatred behind, all this talk of revenge. Establish contact with nature. You are destroying our country, and you know that. But live in peace because life is very short. The problem is that you have poisoned many people with your lies. Live in peaceâ€.

All the events related to human rights in those areas of Latin America where we have contacts are recorded here, with emphasis on women, mining and indigenous peoples.

Hover the cursor over the incident to view more detail; or click on the Lambda symbol to open a corresponding web article.

Detention (Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela - West; 1:11:2011)
Arrested without good reason
Assault (Oaxaca, Mexico; 28:10:2011)
Assault (Piura, Peru - North; 14:10:2011)
Daughter of AMUPPA member attacked
Intimidation (San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala; 31:8:2011)
Intimidation of Woman Human Rights Defender
Eviction (Sierra del Lacand�, Guatemala; 23:8:2011)
300 campesinos forcibly displaced from the community Nueva Esperanza
Serious assault (Cajamarca, Peru - North; 10:8:2011)
Family beaten by four policemen
Eviction (Panzos, Guatemala; 10:8:2011)
138 farmers forcibily evicted to make way for hydroeltric dam
Assault (Cajamarca, Peru - North; 9:8:2011)
Assaulted (together with her children) by police
Non-specific threat (Nari�, Colombia; 1:8:2011)
Intimidation of women human right defender
Murder (Panzos, Guatemala; 4:6:2011)
Shot dead by three individuals on motorcycles
Murder (Panzos, Guatemala; 4:6:2011)
Assassination of Woman Human Right Defender
Specific threat (Piura, Peru - North; 5:5:2011)
Death threat
Surveillance (Piura, Peru - North; 4:5:2011)
Assault (Aguachica, Colombia; 11:4:2011)
Mine workers attack AMUPPA members
Surveillance (Piura, Peru - North; 31:3:2011)
Assault (San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala; 28:2:2011)
Indigenous protesters assaulted and taken hostage
Detention (Piura, Peru - North; 1:2:2011)
Arrested without cause
Other (Buenaventura, Colombia; 21:1:2011)
Father Neftali Ruiz, priest of the Salvadoran Catholic Church ICAS, Secretary of the Board of the Association Cabañas Environmental Committee and member of the National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining fell victim to robbers
Serious assault (Piura, Peru - North; 5:11:2010)
AMUPPA member shot by police
Murder (Piura, Peru - North; 22:8:2010)
Serious assault (Trujillo, Honduras; 10:7:2010)
Women Human Right Defender shot at point blank range
Murder (San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala; 7:7:2010)
Shot by two men who escaped
Murder (Chihuahua, Mexico; 27:4:2010)
Killed while trying to deliver help to a community cut off by armed groups
Specific threat (Piura, Peru - North; 22:1:2010)
AMUPPA member threatened
Detention (Chicomuselo, Mexico; 17:8:2009)
Charged, and later released
Detention (Chicomuselo, Mexico; 15:7:2009)
Arrested for protesting
Assault (Molleturo, Ecuador; 7:6:2009)
Police assault with tear gas
Assault (Cuenca, Ecuador; 22:4:2009)
Assault on mining activist by Pro Miners
Verbal abuse (Piura, Peru - North; 4:4:2009)
AMUPPA member insulted
Intimidation (El Paují, Venezuela - East; 8:2:2009)
Water supply cut
Non-specific threat (Cuenca, Ecuador; 5:2:2009)
E-mail threat
Intimidation (Azuay, Ecuador; 5:2:2009)
Threat via e-mail
False allegation (Azuay, Ecuador; 8:1:2009)
Arrest warrant
False allegation (Cuenca, Ecuador; 6:1:2009)
False allegations
False allegation (Cuenca, Ecuador; 6:1:2009)
False allegations
Assault (Morona Santiago, Peru - South; 6:1:2009)
Detention (Cuenca, Ecuador; 5:1:2009)
Police detention
Detention (Cuenca, Ecuador; 5:1:2009)
Police detention
Assault (Cuenca, Ecuador; 5:1:2009)
Attacked with tear gas
Detention (Morona Santiago, Peru - South; 5:1:2009)
Arrest of Isaura Espinoza
Assault (Morona Santiago, Peru - South; 5:1:2009)
Detention of Sra Espinoza
Detention (Morona Santiago, Peru - South; 5:1:2009)
Detention (Morona Santiago, Peru - South; 5:1:2009)
Intimidation (Victoria del Portete, Ecuador; 25:12:2008)
Assault (Victoria del Portete, Ecuador; 25:12:2008)
Non-specific threat (Cuenca, Ecuador; 23:10:2008)
False allegation (Gualaquiza, Ecuador; 23:10:2008)
False allegation (Gualaquiza, Ecuador; 23:10:2008)
Defamation (Quito, Ecuador; 18:10:2008)
Defamation in radio broadcast
Non-specific threat (Cuenca, Ecuador; 15:10:2008)
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